Dr. Gameshow Wiki

Episode Page[]

Dr. Gameshow Episode 49: When Harry Met Will-y

In-Studio Guests[]

Will Butler

Harry Gensemer

 Games Played[]

Make that Pilot Fly[]

(Previous Week's Winner)

Submitted by[]

Alex Adan from Brooklyn, New York

Theme Song[]

I see stars in the sky

They are flying

But I can't find

A pilot driving them

Necessary Background[]

In television, there are lots of pilot episodes that never get picked up for a full series. Maybe all they needed was a better title with a great pun.

How to Play[]

Jo will read the synopsis of a failed pilot and the contestants will come up with a title for the show. The judge, Manolo, will decide the winner. If someone matches the actually title of the pilot, they get a bonus point, even if they lost the round.


Ethan Beach from Brooklyn, New York

Hayden from Manhattan, New York


Ethan Beach from Brooklyn, New York


Submitted by[]

Lillie Newton from Virginia

Theme Song[]

There are stars in the ground

And I'm going to find them

But first got to play this football game

That has to do with Blitz

Necessary Background[]

(Lillie writes) "I made a game called Blitz. I am Summer Jones's sister Lily. This is the game: You are an animal with super powers. All animals in the animal kingdom have super powers." (cont. below)

How to Play[]

Choose an animal and their super power and make a story of how you beat all the other super-powered animals. Try to make a better story, animal, and super power. It needs to be least 3 players or more, and one judge that rotates, so all players do the animal power story.


Lillie Newton from Virginia



Rock, Core, Wave or Punk[]

Submitted by[]

Jake Gould

Theme Song[]

These are words

And the stars are in the bins

Necessary Background[]

There's tons of new music out there, but record store clerks are losing their minds. Who can properly categorize it all? Hard Core, Hard Rock, Dance Wave, Noise Core, New Wave, Glam Rock, Scene Punk, Dance Punk, etc. We need more categories! It's your job to come up with more genre categories, sub-categories, and such.

How to Play[]

Players are given a noun of a person, place, or thing and they must pair that noun with an appropriate suffix of Rock, Core, Wave, or Punk, and then describe what kind of music it is and who would listen to it.


Pencil Wave

  • A sub-genre of electronic music that can find it's roots in librarians who recorded ti and looped it with the sound of pencils sharpening, tapping, being snapped, etc. and shared it with each other via the inter-library media transfers. Very popular with bibliographies and less populated ares of eastern Europe.


Hannah Newton from Virginia


There is no way to win this game.

Winning Game[]

Rock, Core, Wave, or Punk

Manolo's Thought to Leave You With[]

An apple can help stave off cravings, especially if you eat it.


Harry Gensemer is a notorious listener who has created many games that have no clear path to winning, notably: Werewolf Elton John, The Santa Parodies, and Manolo's Delight.

Manolo requests some 4-star reviews on iTunes, but with explanations as to why the last star was not given.

George is still missing...
